MEDIAGATE shall provide EA certified document imaging service to convert the customer’s physical records to electronic records. Our entire imaging process (including scanning, releasing, and archiving) is carried out in accordance with the criteria set in the EA.
MEDIAGATE continually complies with local guidelines because we operate as a service bureau. In order to continue to offer EA certified imaging services to our pool of clients on a regular basis, MEDIAGATE always upkeeps our system and procedures to the latest state requirements. Customers will no doubt benefit from this because MEDIAGATE does not just confine our compliance effort to the lifespan of the project, but on an ongoing basis.
2. Document Imaging Production Process
MEDIAGATE crews are pre‐assigned with dedicated job specification. We are adopting the stringent “Maker and Checker” rule; where at anytime, there should not be any person handle more than one role. The person who performs scanning can never be the person to perform image audit and this rule passes to every single process in the DPI’s production.
3. Document Imaging System
How's the system works?
3 Main tools for operating systems are: Scanner, PCs, Server and software.
All the tools was links each other to generate one complete system with capability to scan, transforms, stored and distribute imaging files.
Physical documents will slot into scanner to transform the documents into digital formats.
All digitals document will index followed by recognition ID before sending to server for storage. Server act as a storage drawer for all scanned documents.
System – its operate as an engine for Mediagate system and capable to manage, sorting, searching and distribution activities.
This system was linked with networking connection and web based application to control storage and retrieval process.
User can view the digital date once granted and the data can send by MEDIAGATE center while requested without retrieve a physical documents.
Physical Document Protection
Stringent process for taking, tackling and handling over of documents in order to ensure the physical documents are well protected upon received and handling over, we have a list of forms for our operations.
Types of forms
1. Collection/Delivery request form
2. Daily incoming carton form
3. Carton manifest
4. Carton movement record
5. Product life cycle slip
6. Quality control form
7. CD/DVD consumption form(optional)
Zero Defects Scanning Process
- Double Sided Colour Scanner
- Scanner
- Straight & Short Feed Path (minimum stress to the scanned documents)
- Single Sheet Manual Feed
- EA Compliant Over Scan (black border to ensure completeness of capture)
- Full Audit Trail Recording & Centralized Safekeeping
Security Features Protection
- Provide Personal lockers for staffs as no personal belongings especially hand phones are allowed in the centre Dual.
- Use of serialize carton security seal as added protection during transportation in ensuring integrity of contents
- CCTV Surveillance and Recording
- Isolated Network for Data Privacy and is Fully Redundant
- Workstations are locked down with only the required screen appear
Data Security Features:
- Fully standalone networking environment. No direct connection to outside network.
- Built in redundancy for maximum data protection.
- Server based imaging system. No local data storage.
- Workstation resources locked down. Drives and ports are disabled to normal users.
- Access to applications strictly controlled by user ID / password. Once log in, user would only be able to access the assigned module.
- No recording devices (camera, mobile phone, flash memory etc) are allowed into the centre